Water vapor is the most abundant and the most powerful greenhouse gas in the atmosphere and is responsible for about half of the Earth’s greenhouse effect. The amount of water vapor in the lower atmosphere is largely controlled by temperature, such that warmer air holds more moisture. Water vapor returns to the Earth’s surface usually within two weeks but only if the vapor is in the troposphere, the atmospheric layer closest to the Earth.

Water vapor in the stratosphere, the layer above the troposphere, on the other hand, can stay there for a long time due to the lack of physical mechanisms to bring it back to the surface of the Earth. MIT has estimated that a water molecule, or any atmospheric molecule, can stay in the troposphere for about 1.5 years, possibly longer, before circulating back to the troposphere or Earth’s surface.

On 15 January 2022 the South Pacific volcano, Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai, erupted sending a huge jet of water vapor into Earth’s stratosphere, estimated to have been around 40 billion gallons in volume.  This is estimated to have increased the water vapor in the stratosphere by 10% in a matter of hours or days.

For reference, the greenhouse effect for selected gases by its 20-year GWP (Greenhouse Warming Potential) value:

  1. Water Vapor = A very large value but difficult to find in print.
  2. Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) = 460-9100 GWP
  3. Bromides = 7140 (varies)
  4. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) = 4400-6200 GWP
  5. Nitrous oxide = 280 GWP
  6. Methane = 56 GWP
  7. Carbon dioxide = 1 GWP

Source: NASA. MIT. Graphic by AGeremia, 2020, Creative Commons.

It Happened Already

The Stars and The Earth or Thoughts upon Time, Space, and Eternity

By Felix Eberty

Translator: Josephine Caruana

Published by Comino-Verlag

Copyright: © 2018

A short read reflecting on the information carried by a photon as it reaches your eye from the far reaches of space.

Originally the book was published in two volumes, both together totaling less than 80 pages, in 1846 and 1847. The book sought the union of physics and religion, metaphysics; for God sees the past and the present as a single point in the space time continuum, time stopping when moving with the light, observing all in three dimensions rather than four. Eberty continues his thesis from an all-seeing God to a time when man’s technological progress allows him to see as God sees or the child of God becomes a god.

Eberty knowing that the speed of light was finite, about 300,000 km/s, contemplated that all visuals captured by any type of eye, human or otherwise, happened in the past. The past including an inconceivably, insignificantly small amount of time in the past, such as a plate of mac and cheese in front of you, is still in the past, what you see has already occurred. Jurgen Neffe, author of a biography of Albert Einstein, stated it succinctly “time travels with light”. Observing light traveling from a billion light years away exhibits events as they happened a billion years ago but if you traveled with those photons for those billion years the past occurs at the same time as your present.

Eberty’s thoughts on the meaning of time and space were recognized at the time not only as novel but metaphysical in nature, maybe not so much today.