Journalism-Louis Seibold

Louis Seibold was a newspaper journalist working mostly for New York World from 1894 to possibly1931. In 1921 he won a Pulitzer Prize for an interview he conducted with President Woodrow Wilson in 1920.

At the time of the supposed interview the President was incapacitated due to a stroke and unable to provide answers or comments in any form to Seibold. It came out later that the interview was faked and was conducted through written correspondence with the President’s chief of staff and personal secretary Joseph Tumulty along with the President’s second wife Edith Wilson. The Pulitzer wasn’t returned.

New York World was owned by the Pulitzers, founders of the Pulitzer Prizes and was, at the time, the leading media voice for the Democratic Party. Pure speculation, but the Pulitzers awarded themselves their own prize for an interview that they surely knew never took place. The newspaper under the Pulitzers was known for left wing reporting, sensationalism, and yellow journalism.

Source: Politico, Prabook,, Wikipedia, Graphic: Louis Seibold, public domain.

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